CLICK HERE for an article by Live Science covering a study conducted on over  73,000 Seventh-day Adventists that covers the health benefits of our lifestyle.

Want to learn more?

Click below for tons of articles and videos on a Vegetarian/Vegan diet & and a Bible-based lifestyle! 

The proof is in the...vegetables?

JOHN 3:16

Barstow Seventh-day Adventist Church Welcomes You!

The Adventist Health Message

1 John 4:8

The Seventh-day Adventist Church acknowledges and teaches the idea of free-will for each individual and their God-given power of choice.  So, instead of making standards and behavior requirements mandatory, Adventists ask that each of us live as a positive example of God's love and care.  A major area in which God shows He loves and cares for us is in the food He has provided for us to eat to stay healthy, active, and of sound mind to make wise decisions.  We make no requirements on health standards in order to be a member, but using sound Biblical teachings, we show that natural eating and healthy living is God's original plan for our lives.

 CLICK HERE for an article and video created by Religion & Ethics Newsweekly that outlines the Adventist health message and it's benefits.  A nearly 90-year-old Adventist skiing, golfing, and swimming!
 CLICK HERE to be taken to the Huffington Post's Religion section which features an article on the life expectancy of Adventists.

We choose to:

  • Believe God calls us to take care of our bodies, as they are the temples of God (1 Corinthians 6:19), and to treat them with the respect a creation of God deserves. 
  • Believe one of the key's to health and wellness is living a life of balance and temperance; not over indulging in anything, even those things deemed as "good".  We use the principles of pure water, fresh air, and sunlight to provide a clean and healthy life.
  • Strive to exercise and avoid substances which harm our bodies such as: Tobacco, alcohol, and mind-altering drugs so that we may maintain a clear mind to make wise decisions (1 Peter 1:13, 5:8-9).
  • Encourage a well-balanced, vegetarian (or vegan) diet that avoids the consumption of meat and includes the consumption of legumes, whole grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables, accompanied by a B12 supplement if necessary (Genesis 1:29).
  • Believe these principles are God's plan to live a full and healthy life for Him and the service of others (Jeremiah 29:11).  It allows us to feel the love of God and His care in our health and increases our gratitude and appreciation for our Creator.